Ketija Ringa, flute | Ella Zirina, guitar | David Puime, drums | Ton Felices, bass, electronics
Ton Felices (Vilafranca del Penedès, 2002) is becoming increasingly known in the European musical scene as one of the young talents of contemporary jazz. His original music describes new landscapes and feelings in the contemporary world with influences from jazz and electronic music. A sinuous, futuristic music that describes his travels to Amsterdam and Los Angeles, backed by an international band that features the flute player Ketija Ringa, the guitarist Ella Zirina and the drummer David Puime.
Joventuts Musicals de Torroella de Montgrí
Convent dels Agustins. Apartat de correus 70
17257 Torroella de Montgrí (Girona)
Tel. +34 972 760 605