Sofía Salazar
Sofía Salazar
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Sofía Salazar, flute & Pablo López, piano

Soundscapes of Spain

Sunday 16 July | 17:00 h


Manuel de Falla: Siete canciones populares españolas, arrangement for flute and piano by Sofía Salazar and Luis Arias / Joaquín Turina: Sonata Española, Op. 82, arrangement for flute and piano by Sofía Salazar and Luis Arias / Federico Moreno Torroba: Dedicatoria / Pablo de Sarasate: Aires gitanos, Op. 20, arrangement for flute and piano by Robert Stallman

The flutist Sofía Salazar, winner of the first prize in the 100th (2021) Juventudes Musicales de España Competition in the wind category, accompanied by the pianist Pablo López, present a sensory journey through some of Spain’s most evocative and emblematic soundscapes. The journey starts with Siete canciones populares españolas, takes in the nationalism of Turina with his Sonata Española Op. 82 and continues with Federico Moreno Torroba’s Dedicatoria. And it ends with Pablo Sarasate, who will immerse us in bohemian folklore with the virtuosic, rhapsodic score of his epic Aires gitanos.

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