Maria del Mar Bonet, Christina Pluhar
Maria del Mar Bonet, Christina Pluhar
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Maria del Mar Bonet & L'Arpeggiata

Sunday 06 August | 20:30 h
DURATION:  around 90 minutes and there is no interval

Maria del Mar Bonet, singer | Vincenzo Capezzuto, sopranist

Christina Pluhar, theorbo and direction


  • Maurizio Cazzati: Ciaccona Anonymous: La Carpinese, traditional Carpine / Pizzica di San Vito, traditional Salento / Nicola Matteis and improvisation: La Dia Spagnola, arrangements by  Cristina Pluhar / Rodolfo Falvo: Dicitencello Vuje, arrangements by Cristina Pluhar / Girolamo KapsbergerCanario, arrangements by Cristina Pluhar / Anonymous: Lo Guarracino, traditional Napolitanan / Girolamo Kapsberger: Toccata L’Arpeggiata / Anonymous: La llorona, traditional Mexican / Andrea Falconieri: Suave melodia / Anonymous: Pizzicarella mia, traditional Puglia / Gregorio Paniagua / Maria del Mar Bonet: Dansa de la Primavera / Anonymous: La dama d’Aragó, traditional Catalan / Bartomeu Memes: La mort de la Margalida / Anonymous: Cançó de collir figues, traditional Majorcan / Maria del Mar Bonet / Miquel Costa Llobera: La cançó de na Ruixa Mantells / Anonymous / Maria del Mar Bonet: Fandango mallorquí, traditional Majocan / Santiago de Murcia: Fandango / Maria del Mar Bonet / Miquel Costa Llobera: El pi de FormentorAnonymous: Jota marinera, traditional Maljorcan

Since the lutenist Christina Pluhar founded the group L'Arpeggiata in 2000, devoted to recreating improvised music from the 17th century, she has combined early music with a diverse range of traditional music forms and has worked with great singers with whom she has recorded albums and given exceptional concerts. Pluhar was very keen to work with Maria de Mar Bonet and her long-held wish now comes true in a Torroella de Montgrí Festival, Pollença Festival i Sagunt a Escena Festiva co-production that will be rehearsed and premiered at the Torroella de Montgrí Festival.

A co-production by the Torroella Festival, the Pollença Festival and the Sagunt a Escena Festival 


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