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Izan Rubio guitar

Sunday 14 February | 12:00 h

Gratuït socis | 10 € no socis


The guitar around Miquel Llobet

F. Sor: Introduction, Theme and Variations on a Theme of Mozart, Op. 9

M. Llobet: Catalan Folk Songs (selection)

F. Tarrega: Prelude no. 2

F. Tarrega: Recuerdos de la Alhambra

E. Hill: Three-room españolas

Albéniz: Asturias

M. de Falla: Homenaje ante la tumba de Claude Debussy

E. Granados: Andaluza (Spanish Dance No 5)

J. Rodrigo: Invocation and Dance

About this event

Guitarist Izan Rubio, won the award for Best Performer Catalan last Llobet Contest, proposes a recital that has just epicenter figure Miquel Llobet, composer and guitarist born in Barcelona in 1876. Around Llobet find great musicians like Francisco Tarrega, Manuel de Falla, Enrique Granados, Isaac Albéniz Emilio Pujol. The guitar before, during and after Miquel Llobet show us the musical evolution of the guitar around Llobet, a tour of the guitar music of the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and its possibilities timbre and techniques expressive. And even from the memory of one of the most recognized Catalan composers and guitarists, Miguel Llobet.


Izan Rubio Catalan is a guitarist who began his studies at the hands of teachers and Miguel Angel Sanz and Jordi Codina. In 2012 he graduated with Laura Young ESMUC and is currently finishing his master's degree in Advanced Studies in Interpretation with Zoran Dukic also ESMUC. As a soloist he has received classes improvement with Marcin Dylla, Pavel Steidl, Stefano Grondona, Ulrich Stracke Alvaro Pierri and others. A section of chamber music he has worked with Laura Young, Gasull Feliu, Gerald Garcia, Xavier Coll and Joan Furio. In May 2014 he received the audience award at the end of the competition Arjau Foundation, the Catalan form of contemporary music. In November 2013 he was awarded the third prize at the International Guitar Contest Miquel Llobet. In April 2011 she won third prize ex-aequo Interpretation Competition for young musical Arjau Foundation awarded its -únic guitarist categoria- and in November 2010 won the award for best Catalan classified International Competition Guitar Miquel Llobet. In May 2010, won honorable mention in the category of chamber music XXV Premi Ciutat de Berga, with the duo with teammate Ivan Portolés guitarists, also as the only winners.

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