Camerata Chromatica
Camerata Chromatica
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Chromatic polyphonies. Vocal music of the Italian Renaissance

Friday 16 July | 21:00 h

Gabrielle Varbetian, soprano | Nicolas Kuntzelmann, countertenor | Victoire Fellonneau, recorder | Bérénice Brejon, recorder | Pauline Chiama, viol | Benjamin Delale, organ


Athenaeus: Hymne à Apollon / Carlo Gesualdo: Hei Mihi Domine / Attributed to Vicente Lusitano: Heu me Domine / Nicola Vicentino: Canzon da sonar «La Bella» / Orlando di Lasso: Prophetiae Sibyllarum / Carlo Gesualdo: Se la mia morte brami / Benjamin Delale: Toccata di durezze / Scipione Lacorcia: Mentre picciolo ferro / Michelangelo Rossi: Toccata settima / Michelangelo Rossi: Moribondo mio pianto

Composed of students from the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Lyon and the Conservatoire de Paris, the young ensemble La Camerata Chromatica was created in 2019 at the initiative of Benjamin Delale as a dialogue between a solo organ and a vocal and instrumental ensemble. They have a rare and surprising repertoire: 16th and 17th-century chromatic music. With the support of the EEEmerging+ programme, which includes the Torroella de Montgrí Festival among its partners, La Camerata Chromatica will attend a musical residency from 9 to 18 July, where they will prepare the programme for the concert they will give as part of the Fringe Festival.

Generalitat de Catalunya
Generalitat de Catalunya
INAEM 2023
INAEM 2023
Diputació de Girona
Diputació de Girona
Ajuntament de Torroella de Montgrí
Ajuntament de Torroella de Montgrí
Patronat Turisme
Patronat Turisme
Cultura i identitat
Cultura i identitat
Jorquera Pianos
Jorquera Pianos
Club Nàutic Estartit
Club Nàutic Estartit
Gisela Graham
Gisela Graham