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Nuevo Sarao

Mercedes Hernández, soprano | Marta Infante, mezzo-soprano | José Pizarro, tenor |  Guadalupe del Moral, baroque violin | Manuel Vilas, harp | Oriol Aymat, baroque cello | Rafael Bonavita, baroque guitar, director

Friday 16 August | 22:00 h

De 15 a 28 €


Second book of tonos and villancicos in one, two, three or four voices, by Joan Araniés, maestro di capella at the Cathedral of La Seu d’Urgell in the first half of the 17th century.

Joan Araniés: A la luz del día / Dígame un requiebro / Para recibir a Lisa / Anónimo: San Juan de Lima con sus diferencias / Joan Araniés: Dulce desdén / Andrea Falconieri: La suave melodía / Joan Araniés: Pensamientos altos / Avecillas suaves / Mi zagala / Marco Uccellini: Sonata seconda detta ‘La Luciminia contenta’ / Joan Araniés: En dos lucientes estrellas / Halconcillo nuevo / Aquel niño / Anónimo: Lanchas para baylar / Joan Araniés: Parten las galeras / Un sarao de la Chacona

About this event

Joan Araniés was a baroque composer and maestro di capella active in Catalonia during the first half of the 17th century. His works are little known, with the exception of Un sarao de la Chacona, a piece that appears in the Second book of tonos and villancicos in one, two, three or four voices (1624), a collection of secular works of great beauty with texts in Spanish, published during the time the composer lived in Rome. Musicologist Màrius Bernadó, guitarist Rafael Bonavita and philologist Judith Farré have reconstructed Araniés’ music specially for this concert.

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Gisela Graham
Gisela Graham