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Damien Guillon, Eric Bellocq

Flow my tears (songs for lute by John Dowland)

Damien Guillon, countertenor | Eric Bellocq, lute


J. Dowland: Dear if you change / Sorrow stay / Sir John’s Smith / Can she excuse / A shepherd in a shade / Away with these self-loving / Awake sweet love / Flow my tears / Gaillarde sur Lachrymae / I saw my lady weep / Fine knacks for ladies / Say love if ever / Now, O now, I needs must part / Come heavy sleep / Anonymous: The Eglantine Branche / The Gilly Flower / P. Rosseter: What then is love but mourning

The French countertenor, Damien Guillon, offers us a selection of the 87 lute songs which Dowland composed between 1597 and 1614. It might seem that Dowland’s music, with its melodic simplicity and melancholy character, is an unusual choice for a countertenor such as Guillon, but the flexibility he displays when singing a Handel opera or an Italian cantata will enable us to appreciate his purity of tone and the exquisite quality of his voice.

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