2011. Achúcarro3
2011. Achúcarro3
2011. Achúcarro2
2011. Achúcarro2
2011. Achúcarro1
2011. Achúcarro1
2011. Achúcarro
2011. Achúcarro
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Joaquin Achúcarro


Joaquin Achúcarro, piano


J.S. Bach / F. Busoni: Toccata in C major / L.V. Beethoven:  Sonata in E major, op. 109 / F. Liszt: Liebesfraum n. 3 / Vals oubliée n. 1/ Funerailles / SRakmaninov: Prelude in D minor, op. post / A. Scriabin: Study in B major, op. 8 n.5 / Study, op. 8 n. 12

The knight-errant of the piano, Joaquín Achúcarro, returns to Torroella just a few months after recording Falla's Nights in fhe Gardens of Spain with the Berlin Philharmonic and Sir Simon Rattle. For his faithful audience in Torroella, Achúcarro has chosen a programme which reads Iike a musical menu wíth two tasty dishes in the first part. Bach's Toccata, transcribed by Ferruccio Busoni, brings us a pianistic version of one of the Cantor's organ works, while Beethoven 's sonata is one of the last three written by the composer, in the years in which he wrote his monumental Missa Solemnis. In the second part of the concert, Achúcarro has programmed three blocks of short works by three composers who made the piano into a vehicle of personal expression. These short pieces Will serve as a light dessert to balance the intensity of the first part of the programme.

Generalitat de Catalunya
Generalitat de Catalunya
INAEM 2023
INAEM 2023
Diputació de Girona
Diputació de Girona
Ajuntament de Torroella de Montgrí
Ajuntament de Torroella de Montgrí
Patronat Turisme
Patronat Turisme
Cultura i identitat
Cultura i identitat
Jorquera Pianos
Jorquera Pianos
Club Nàutic Estartit
Club Nàutic Estartit
Gisela Graham
Gisela Graham