2011. Cor La Stagionr Armonica3
2011. Cor La Stagionr Armonica3
2011. Cor La Stagionr Armonica
2011. Cor La Stagionr Armonica
2011. Cor La Stagionr Armonica4
2011. Cor La Stagionr Armonica4
2011. Cor La Stagionr Armonica5
2011. Cor La Stagionr Armonica5
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Choir La Stagione Armonica, Sergio Balestracci

Wednesday 10 August | 22:00 h

Choir La Stagione Armonica |  Sergio Balestracci, director


J. Cererols: Requiem Mass for two choirs and continuous/ ¡Ay, qué dolor! / J.S. Bach: Two motets / GAllegri: Miserere

A number of musicological studies have affirmed that it is highly probable that Johann Sebastian Bach (1 685-1 750) had first-hand knowledge of some of the works of the Catalan composer, Joan Cererols (1 618-1 676). The initial theme of the monumental Saint Matthew Passion is in fact based on a theme which is almost identical to one used by Cererols in the villancet, "¡Ay, qué dolor!". In this concert, dedicated to the memory of the music-lover and man of many interests, Ernest Lluch i Martín, La Stagione Armonica, an ensemble based in Padua, Will explore this possible influence by performing a selection of works by both composers. The concert Will end with a work which is one of the high points of prima practica, and which for over a hundred years could never be copied or performed outside the Vatican. This is the well-known Miserere by Gregorio Allegri (1582-1 652), which COUId only be heard during Holy Week performances in the Sistine Chapel, and which the 14-year-old Mozart managed to write out after only one hearing.

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