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Oumou Sangare, Nabintou Diakite i Maïssata Tischer-Sangare, Zoumana Tereta, Cheikh Oumar Diabate, Brehima Diakite, Hamane Toure, Salah Baba, Abdoulaye Fofana, Aliou Dante

The musical tradition and current African music

Sunday 14 August | 22:30 h

Oumou Sangare, voice (Mali) | Nabintou Diakite and Maïssata Tischer-Sangare, choir | Zoumana Tereta, violin | Cheikh Oumar Diabate, percussions | Brehima Diakite, kamele gone | Hamane Toure, electric bass | Salah Baba, guitar | Abdoulaye Fofana, flute | Aliou Dante, drum

Isabelle Faust and the Prague Philharmonia have recently made a recording of the famous Dvorák violin concerto for Harmonina Mundi. The concerto was dedicated to the violin virtuoso Joseph Joachim, and was Dvorák's letter of presentation for a musical opus that came to be synonymous with Bohemian nationalism. Seventy-five years earlier, in 1805, Beethoven's "Eroica" received its first public performance, and the symphony soon became an emblematic work for both the first generation of Romantic composers and for those of Mendelssohn's time. This last composer is represented at this concert by an overture of a somewhat mysterious character composed during a journey around Scotland - Romantic country par excellence.

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