Give us your support

You are reading about one of the jewels in the crown of Catalan musical heritage – the Torroella de Montgrí Festival. In 1980, when we first organised a modest series of summer concerts, we dreamt of putting on a full Festival. As the years went by, we saw how our dreams progressively came true, as those first seeds grew into one of the principal cultural events in Catalonia.

If you become a sponsor, supporting the Festival financially or in kind, the image of your company will be associated with the Festival activities and will share in its prestige. The Torroella Festival is one of the most important events programming classical music, and attracts thousands of dedicated music lovers from the five continents, generating considerable financial benefits and enhancing the image of its sponsors. Thanks to your help we will be able to make a greater impact on society and make culture more democratic, involving all sectors of society and attracting all types of audience, inclusive of all income brackets.

  • Associate your trade name with the values of the Festival – culture, music, quality, prestige, recognition, popularity.
  • Become associated with a project which works on consolidating the culture of the country and transmits universal values by means of education.
  • An exclusive sector.
  • A tool for promotional and experiential marketing.
  • Trademark alienation with a Premium event.
  • Collaboration with the economic and socio-cultural development of the surrounding area.
  • The possibility of defining promotional or marketing strategies for a clearly identified “social capital” with a recognised profile.
  • Association of your company with a festival whose values include promotion of culture and fomenting access to cultural activities.
  • Relating your trade name with culture and the arts gives an impression of prestige and involvement with society.
  • Visibility of your trade name thanks to media coverage of the Festival and its productions.
  • Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
  • The opportunity to take part in the Social Projects promoted and carried out by Joventuts Musicals de Torroella de Montgrí.

We would be most interested to hear of any other means of sponsorship your company may be interested in, and we are at your disposal to discuss your ideas. If you are a company and wish to join our circle of collaborators, please do not hesitate to contact us. 


Generalitat de Catalunya
Generalitat de Catalunya
INAEM 2023
INAEM 2023
Diputació de Girona
Diputació de Girona
Ajuntament de Torroella de Montgrí
Ajuntament de Torroella de Montgrí
Patronat Turisme
Patronat Turisme
Cultura i identitat
Cultura i identitat
Jorquera Pianos
Jorquera Pianos
Club Nàutic Estartit
Club Nàutic Estartit
Gisela Graham
Gisela Graham